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Still dreaming? Feldabend


Still Dreaming?

Freitag, 6. November 2020
Beginn: 08:00 pm

Auf Grund der Covid-19-Situation findet der Feldabend an unterschiedlichen Plätzen in Linz, Graz und Wien sowie über ZOOM statt.

Eine zweifache Anmeldung ist notwendig:

  1. rasche Anmeldung
    bei Gastgeber*innen
    (Auswahl siehe unten)

  2. Anmeldung über lacanfeld@gmx.at


"Dream: Its Interpretation and Use in Lacanian Treatment" is the title of the congress of the World Association of Psychoanalysis (WAP), which was postponed from April to December 2020 and finally cancelled due to the pandemic, which should have taken place in Buenos Aires. Members of the "Dream-Cartel" will organize this field evening with their contributions, in which Shlomo Lieber, the Plus One of this cartel, will also participate. 120 years after the publication of the Interpretation of Dreams, the question of the use of dreams in the Analytical Cure is posed anew. Freud discovered the dream as an interpretation of the unconscious. He regarded the dream as the guardian of sleep. Lacan's desire on the other hand was not for the dream but for awakening. In his text "Awakening" JAM says: "The desire to awaken to the real is, without a doubt, masochistic, since everything that is given us of the real is a symptom. Love your Symptom, as you love yourself: I hardly dare utter this injunction. However, in my opinion, it is the only way out that suggests itself for a discourse that would not be a semblant."


Praxis von Maria-Theresia Müllner
Dr.-Müllner-Weg 3
4040 Linz
Tel: 0699/10978568


Praxis von Gerhard Reichsthaler
Josef Gauby Weg 6/8
8010 Graz
Tel: 0664/3867735


Praxis von Markus Zöchmeister
Anton-Frank-Gasse 15/5
1180 Wien
Tel: +43 650 2182003
bereits voll besetzt

Praxis von Karin Brunner
Mariannengasse 21/18
1090 Wien
Tel: + 43 676 9374133

Praxis von Magda Sorger-Domenigg
Josefstädter Straße 69/5
1080 Wien
Raumverantwortliche: Clémentine Benard: 0699/19081570

Praxis von Elisabeth Müllner
Turmburggasse 5/3
1060 Wien
Tel: 0650/7324041

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